Home Politics Immigration needs to be ‘shut down’ until unity restored: Carlson

Immigration needs to be ‘shut down’ until unity restored: Carlson


Last year, two of the most prolific names in media met. This Monday, Tucker Carlson and Chris Cuomo continue the conversation. Tune in to “CUOMO” on Monday at 8p/7C to watch.

(NewsNation) — President Donald Trump has made reining in illegal immigration a key component of his administration, but Tucker Carlson said in a conversation with NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo that the country needs to shut down “all immigration” for a cooling-off period until unity among Americans can become restored.

Carlson told Cuomo that allowing migrants to enter the country illegally is the biggest problem currently facing the nation and insists there is only one solution.

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“It’s too chaotic, it’s too crazy right now,” Carlson said. “No more people, period. None. Cap it right now.”

As Trump continues to push for the largest domestic deportation in American history, Carlson said that illegal immigration has created chaos and disunity among the American people. He said that the central question facing the country is how to bring people back together.

“How do 50 states not become 50 countries?” Carlson asked.

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In suggesting a “cooling off” period from allowing people to enter the country, Carlson says what is needed is a period of time when people consider what it means to be an American and what brings us together.

“(But) immigration makes it impossible because it’s too much churn,” he told Cuomo. “Things change too fast.”

While Cuomo said that immigration is how the United States became populated, Carlson said that people were not entering the country at the rate they have been in recent years.

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The Trump administration has blamed former President Joe Biden’s open-border policy for allowing millions of migrants to enter the country, which led to a crisis that Trump is trying to solve through mass deportations.

“Whoever opened the spigot and flooded our country with 15 or 25 million illegals in the past four years should be in prison for the rest of his life,” Carlson told Cuomo. “That’s the worst thing that’s ever been done to this country, and I don’t know if we can recover from it.”

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